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Sobeys Reply

Sobeys responded! A real person too, not just a generic response - good on them!


Good Afternoon Lauren,

Thank you for taking the time to write in your request.
I have sent it off to the appropriate contacts, and have recieved a response

Currently we do not have access to any free range beef as there are no federally inspected facilities that produce the product in the format that we require.
We do have some free range whole chickens available from Nova Scotia produced in a provincially inspected plant that can be sold within this province but cannot pass over provincial boundries.

The vendor is Mayflower Farms,
and the contact email address is

Lauren, I have discussed this with another individual and I'm informed that the requests for free range meat products that are comming in are currently under review here at the office.

Please feel free to contact us again if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a wonderful day.

Sweet - so hopefully we get some free range meat soon!


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