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Second Cup Cups

I like coffee! I bring my mug most places, but sometimes I forget. I'm human. Though I try to say that I don't need it, sometimes I really want it and get a disposable cup. It's like a diet - everyone slips once in a while! I usually go to the JustUs! cafe which has ceramic mugs for 'for here' and compostable cups 'to go' but sometimes SecondCup is closer!

Hello Second Cup Customer Care!

Second Cup coffee is really good. Your lattes have helped me through many exams! I try to bring a mug when I get coffee but sometimes I forget. When this happens, I have two choices, I can go to a coffee place which has compostable cups or I can go to Second Cup and get a plastic-lined cup which will not biodegrade. Some of my choices are based on environmental factors and since the price is not different between places - if I'm going to get a throw-away cup, it should be compostable. For this reason, I don't go to Second Cup as often as I could, or would, if there were compostable cups.

Why does Second Cup not use compostable cups? Are there plans to implement them? What steps are Second Cup taking to reduce waste? At my local Second Cup, there is only a 10 cent discount when a mug is brought, but this may be a special case as it is a campus-wide policy.

Thank you for your time,

Lauren Dombowsky


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