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Guest Blog 1: Diplomatic Jordy

Today we get a guest blog, Jordy really was diplomatic and didn't make mention of my neuroses like the stack of paper to be recycled or the refusal to turn up the heat!

Living with an Environmentalist

Hello, I’m Jordy, Lauren’s boyfriend. We’ve been dating for almost 4 years now and she asked me write about coexisting with an environmentalist like herself.

Before I met Lauren, I wasn’t exactly a menace to the planet but I wasn’t the best for it either. I’d happily forgo vegetables for more meat, toss a pop can into the garbage, etc. Lauren’s awareness and consideration for this Earth has helped me changed my attitude and be conscious of what I do and how it might negatively affect the environment.

The changes weren’t radical. You can’t just expect someone to change immediately. But after awhile your habits will sort of rub off on one another. I now notice when stuff is local, and may choose one brand over another based on how close to home it was produced (price is still the major motivator for me though). I feel good when I take the new hybrid metro buses whereas before I might have cared less. I find myself being more disgusted with trash lying around in gutters and being more enthused with doing stuff like vermicomposting (worm composting and harvesting their crap for fertilizer. You can read more about this fun process in Lauren’s previous blogs).

It’s been a change for the better. If everyone in the world was able to make the relatively small attitudinal changes that I did the impact would probably be pretty impressive (a billion or so less cans thrown in the garbage, for one). So thank you Lauren, for helping me and helping the planet as well!


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